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Ancillaries Steroids

As the name itself, perform a supporting role to an AAS or anabolic–androgenic steroids. Most AAS users also take this either to offset the side effects associated with the use of an AAS or to boost the desired effects an AAS can give. Ancillaries Steroids are anti-progestins, anti-estrogens, acne drugs, DHT-blockers, and pituitary and hypothalamic leutinizers, like HCG. This also acts as a post-cycle therapy. A good example is that when a user stops using an AAS, a rebound could happen. Losing all that was gained while taking AAS may be a possibility; the user may experience depression and may feel a lack of sex drive. An ancillary drug will help you cope with these withdrawal symptoms as it reelevates the user’s testosterone to effectively provide post-cycle therapy. We carry the most up-to-date ancillaries.

Injectable Steroids

Some steroids are taken orally, some are administered through a syringe and a needle to be injected intramuscular. Many users prefer the injectable forms since they are lighter on the liver. It is also the quickest, and the most direct administration of steroids. Injectable steroids are synthetic hormones being carried by different esters. The users should bulk and build up with steroids of longer esters and cut with shorter ones. The dosage and frequency of a user’s administration depend on the esters; the longer the ester, the lesser a user would have to inject, and shorter esters are normally for testing and water-retention purposes. Injectable steroids are oil-based and artificially intended to have any longer half-lives than oral steroids. Subsequently, it requires you far less dosing unlike oral steroids that you regularly should be taking daily or each other day, besides, it remains longer on your system and might be identified on a medication test.

Oral Steroids

Commonly used as stacking agents on top of the injectables to enhance the effect, oral steroids are known for being beneficial within the medical field as these are usually prescribed for autoimmune disease, allergies, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), inflammatory bowel diseases, joint and muscle diseases, asthma, and croup. Moreover, they also help to treat some cancers. These oral steroids are available for purchase which are in the form of tablets, pills, and even liquid, which can be gulped down, similar to how you take your vitamins. Usually, individuals choose to begin a cycle with oral steroids rather than the injectable ones as they believe that it is without a doubt more secure like gulping a tablet and less extraordinary than injecting the medication into your muscles. In light of the structure, oral steroids usually have a shorter half-life which is the reason they regularly require dosing.

What are anabolic steroids?

Anabolic steroids are synthetic (man-made) versions of testosterone. Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. It is needed to develop and maintain male sex characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, and muscle growth. Women do have some testosterone in their bodies but much smaller amounts.

What are anabolic steroids used for?

Healthcare providers use anabolic steroids to treat some hormone problems in men, delayed puberty, and muscle loss from some diseases. But some people misuse anabolic steroids.

WHAT ARE THE ANTI-ESTROGENS? Antiestrogens are indispensable protectors to perform a treatment with confidence. A conscientious athlete either beginner or professional has a responsibility directly with his body and health.

Taking steroids can involve certain risks to health: gynecomastia, infertility, stress in the liver … The anti-estrogens help guard against these harmful side effects.


Antiestrogens are indispensable protectors to perform a treatment with confidence. A conscientious athlete either beginner or professional has a responsibility directly with his body and health.Taking steroids can involve certain risks to health: gynecomastia, infertility, stress in the liver … The anti-estrogens help guard against these harmful side effects.


1 cc (cubic centimeter) is equal to 1 ml (milliliter), it measures the volume. For example if a bottle contains 10 ml of liquid, this corresponds to 10cc.
1 mg (milligram) is equal to one thousandth of a gram, it measures the dose of a drug.
1 mcg (microgram) is equal to 1/1000 of a milligram.
1 International Unit (IU) is also used to measure the dose of a preparation for the hormones for example.